Top 10 Spotlight: Matthew Senteno

Parents: Cecilia Senteno and Alfonso Senteno

Siblings: Marcus (13)

Previous schools attended: Palmer-Laakso Elementary, Los Cuates Middle School

College planning to attend: Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Planned Major: Biomedical Sciences

Post-undergraduate degree plans: Physician Assistant or position in pharmaceutical program

Teacher influences: LFHS teachers David Rivera and Griselda Galvez
Inspiration for Academic Success: I started to take my academics seriously in about 2nd grade. My parents were the ones who instilled the importance of education. My dad took a more tenacious approach while my mother was more lenient. I believe that having a healthy balance between the two helped me the most in my academics. They would encourage me to do my best, but would never ask me to push myself beyond my limits. For that, they will never understand how truly grateful I am for them both.
Why is it important to you to maintain high academic standards? Education has had a huge impact on my family. Many of my family members were first-generation high school and college graduates. My aunts, uncles, and parents were able to overcome the odds and provide a good life for me and my cousins. Knowing that has motivated me to be exceptional when it comes to academics. I want to show to my family what they have done for me and continue my educational journey. That's why setting high academic standards for myself is so important to me. I know that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. I just have to set myself up for it.

Career plans: Although I have a couple of jobs picked out in the medical field, I do not have a specific one. However, I do know that I want to help others feel better. Growing up, there was always a certain satisfaction that I got when I helped people. During the pandemic, the passion only grew stronger as I saw these health care workers put others before themselves. So as I take the next step, I would like to experience different fields of medicine before I make my decision. One job in mind is a Physician’s Assistant, but we’ll see where life takes me.

Advice to younger students to succeed academically: My biggest piece of advice is to stay true to yourself. High School is going to be an experience like no other. Believe me it will have its ups and downs, but take those moments to learn about yourself. Explore what you would like to do and stick with it. If education isn’t your strong suit, then take these years to find out what is. If it is, then try your best to get those good grades. However, at the end of the day, do not let those numbers define who you are. Some people may have it all figured out, but don’t let it get to you. It’s ok to not have it all figured out. Just stay yourself, do what you love, and everything will turn out just fine. You all got this.
